Monday, February 28, 2011

Daily Goals 2/28/11

Today has been a busy day so far and I have lots of things to get done.

Daily Goals:

  • Start on the lesson plans 
  • Finish at least three lessons and their assessments
  • Pick standard to write about
  • Start paper
  • Pick literary analysis book and start reading

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Today's Governments

Today the whole school traveled to Cheaha State Park in Alabama. Our bus ride was fun and we got to the park around one'o'clock.  We have been learning about different governments this week and we decided that we would write all the different types of governments on paper, put them into a hat, and whichever type of government was chosen, that would decide how we would choose our activities for the rest of the day. The government types chosen at different times were Dudeocracy(A.K.A. a patriarchy. The government of OH ruled by the "Dudes"), we had a dictatorship (ruled by Joanna), and we also had a Democracy.

The Dudeocracy was unorganized, and the guys did not get their thoughts together very well. Granted, the Dudeocracy only lasted a few minuets and then a new form of government was chosen.  While the Dudeocracy was in session, we were trying to decide what to do with our time.  The guys wanted to go on a hike, and the girls didn't have any objections. We didn't really have any problems.  I don't know if I would like to have a Dudeocracy at OH all of the time.  We would have a lot of future disagreements and there are better forms of "governments" out there for us to use.

The Dictatorship was pretty fun while it lasted.  I think that Joanna had a fun time deciding where we would go on our hike.  I didn't really like the fact that we had to do EXACTLY what Joanna said.  We couldn't go anywhere other than where she said.  I would not like having to do exactly what Joanna said at OH for a year. There would be a lot of conflicting opinions.

I think that the Democracy worked the best for us. Everbody had a say and even though some people did not what to do what the majority wanted to do, they we eventually happy. I think that having a Democracy all the time at OH would work out very well.

Monday, February 21, 2011

My Family Government

A Constitutional Democratic Monarchy would describe my family government. My parents are the monarchs, but they follow a "constitution". The "constitution" is set rules and guidelines that they set for the children to follow to follow. We are also Democratic because the ideas of the children are heard but overall, the Monarchs rule.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Reflections 2/14/2011

Today has been a great PBL day! I have completed almost all of my daily goals.  I was able to perfect my writing and edit it to create better OHpedia entries.  I also added a table of contents to the OHpedia to be in the '"exceeds expectations" category. I was not able to talk to my partner today though.

Daily Goals 2/14/2011

Daily Goals:

  • Perfect my OHpedia entries
  • Add more exceeds expectations
  • Perfect my writing
  • Talk to my partner

Friday, February 11, 2011

Daily Reflections 2/11/2011

Today has been a good day! I completed a whole benchmark today and I am very excited about that! Although I did not complete all of my goals for the day, I am very happy with what I have gotten done. I am going to work this weekend to finish the project.

Daily Goals 2/11/11

Daily Goals 2/11/2011
  • Finish last two benchmarks
  • Publish them to OHpedia
  • Improve previous benchmarks
  • Add exceeds expectations to OHpedia
  • Start lesson plan

Friday, February 4, 2011

Daily Goals 2/4/11

Daily Goals:

  • Finish Benchmark 6
  • Post Benchmark 6 to OhPedia
  • Start on a new benchmark
  • Finish the new benchmark