Monday, January 17, 2011

Daily Goals Check Out 1/17/11

Did you achieve your daily goals?

I achieved almost all of my daily goals today. The one that I did not achieve was finishing the second draft of my project planning form. My partner and I still have to find websites. We're about half way done with finishing that portion of the project planning form. I have started research by finding websites to use for the OHpedia entry; I have also been reading the information that I find on the websites. I have collaborated with my partner today. I caught him up on what I did last week. We have also been looking for websites together. We've started our OHpedia entry by conducting research. Our ideas for the online lesson is an online quiz. 

Why or why not?

I achieved my goals because for the majority of the day I was highly focused. I spent my time researching, and collecting information. I tried not to get distracted by others today. I think that I could have been a little more focused though. If I was more focused I could probably have completed my project planning form.

What did you notice about yourself as a learner today? Work habits etc.

I noticed that I got a lot of work done today. I used my time wisely. It also helps me to focus by taking small five minute brain breaks every so often. I used self motivation today, and I hope to continue using that tomorrow too. 

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