Wednesday, January 19, 2011

End of the Day Reflection 1/19/11

  • Did I achieve my goals? Why or why not? 
Yes, I did complete all of the goals that I set for my partner and I today. This morning, we finished collecting websites to use as resources for our OHpedia. We also read a majority of our websites. We skimmed through a lot of our sites and started picking out the most important information to use. I have almost completed getting the information for the last benchmark. 
  • What did I notice about myself as a learner today?
I noticed that I work better in the morning. I am able to focus much better, whereas in the afternoon I am more easily distracted. I also noticed that it is easier to work in groups than it is to work alone. I usually get more work done when I work in a group.
  • What went well today?
Cale and I finished our Project Planning form, which is exciting. We are now able to start our research. We had a "check in" with Mr. Randy today and he cleared us to start our project. We also got a good amount of information for our benchmarks. 
  • What do I need to change next time I work on PBL?
Next time I work on PBL I need to focus myself better in the afternoon. I need to realize that I don't really have that much time, and work as hard as I can to get the project done.
  • What do I need help with on Friday (from facilitators)?
I need more clarification on how much information pertaining to the benchmarks should be put in the OHpedia entry. I
  • How would I rate myself as a group member today (HS only)
I would give myself and 8, as a group member. For the most part I was focused, but I can do better on Friday.

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