Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Reflection 1/12

Today was very productive! We broke up into our separate groups of partners and started to code the information for the OHpedia. Coding took awhile, but we eventually all finished. Then the whole middle and high school got together with Mrs. Amy and we worked on putting the coded information into a rubric to follow for our OHpedia pages. We conversed as a group, threw around ideas, and came up with the first draft for the rubric. We posted a blog with the coded information, (Check out my blog called, "OHpedia Rubric Creation") Mrs. Amy asked us to define metacognition, which is basically the ability to know how one learns( Check out my blog called "Metagocnition") . We had lunch, kickball, music, and then the final thing we did this afternoon was work  on our project planning forms. The project planning forms are for our OHpedia pages. We have to define our experts, state our essential questions, state our benchmarks, etc.

I am feeling accomplished, after all the work that we did today.  I really like having PBL three days a week. It gives we more time to focus on it, and it gives me time to really delve into the subject. I am excited for the OHpedia that we are going to be building. It will take some hard work and extensive research, but I know that the finished project is going to be amazing!

Cale, my partner, wasn't here this afternoon, so I had to start on the project planning form by myself. My next step is going to meet with him and go over what I accomplished. I also need to identify my experts that I will ask to review our project. My partner and I need to meet with the facilitator, too. 

I am excited about this project and I don't really have any concerns. I am only a little concerned about completing my virtual school, because we are now doing PBL three days a week. But I know that if I work hard and I focus I will be able to complete my FLVS. :)

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